Ceramic & Porcelain
Laibajan shop first established by ceramic artist Francis M.Cardinas in 2014. Since his young age, Cardinas was very fascinated in ceramic plates and bowl of his home. When he entered college, he incidentally heard one of the teachers’ lectures. The lecture was about following what you want and hear your inner voice. After massively motivated by the inspirational speech he decided to become a ceramic artist without hesitation. In the end, he reached his goal and now running his ceramic and porcelain shop.
Brighten Your Home With Standing Desk Chairs
For the past few months we've been working from home due to COVID, so one of the things we looked into was home office chairs. Compared with traditional chairs, standing desk chairs seemed to be a perfect fit for the menial office work we've been doing. See the best...
Does Learning Ceramics and Pottery Help Home Decoration Skills?
Many people often ask, why someone should take a pottery or ceramics course. There are many benefits such as being able to make your custom hand made pots and give them as gifts, etc, but there are other reasons for why you should also consider learning how to work...
Ceramics for interior design
Decorating your home with ceramic plates is perfect for interior design. Not many people consider how a few plates of ceramics can light up a room. There are many different selections you can choose from and many different sizes. They don't necessarily have to be used...
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Store Location
526, Downtown San Diego, California, USA
Open Everyday 8am-5pm
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[email protected]
(486) 702-4560